Dr Alexander Elder writes one of the best basic trading book covering from the right mindset, winning attitude, money management, and to essential technical knowledge.
Read all about it in Trading For a Living

After Trading For a Living, Dr Alexander Elder restrengthen and refortifies the principles to trading in Come to My Trading Room.

Maybe one still would have doubts. Perhaps Dr Alexander Elder is a genius. A rare exception. How could we mere mortals hope to emulate his successes? In the book, Study Guide to Entries and Exits, you will be shown to 16, yes 16 individuals who have different trading capitals base and levels of experience but are equally successful. They're all traders. :)
As usual, you are advised to download the ebook(s) soonest possible before the link expires or removed. I m not responsible of providing fresh links if they are no longer working.
Max, i see you got the study guide, but do you have the Entry and Exit book? :P interesting guide. I like qs and answers, so that I can know if I understand what I have learned so far. Thanks again Max, for putting the effort to find the resources that suit us.
Thank you maxforce putting the wondwerful e-books. However,I got probelm in downloading them.What downloader to use for quick download. Dap can not be used.Thanks
I missed that one. I ll upload it later.
I m not sure about the quick download. Could the normal download work? If you re using streamyx or any broadband service, it should complete in an instant :)
No max, i would be transfered to rs114.rapidshare.com site and there it allows single connection only no parallel connection is allowed. I tried it was painfully slow and only to find that it stopped after 34% downloaded ,8% downloaded and so..... after a few trial. Any alternative !
I could only suggest that you switch and test the fastest among which is allowable to you:
Download from Level(3). Very fast downloads.
Download from TeliaSonera. Very fast downloads.
Download from Cogent. Very fast downloads.
Download from Teleglobe. Very fast downloads.
Download from TeliaSonera #2. Very fast downloads.
Download from Cogent #2. Very fast downloads.
Download from GlobalCrossing. Very fast downloads.
Download from Level(3) #2. Very fast downloads.
Download from Level(3) #3. Very fast downloads.
PS: Very fast download is according to Rapidshare
Thank you for putting the efforts on the Ebook collections.. save me a lot of money :P
Looking forward for the "Entry and Exit" because bb doesn't really know when to enter and exit.. wondering how others do it. Me?? hentam only :P
MAXFORCE AND BB, I need your help, yesterday I tried as suggested by u to choose/switch to get the faster link. BUT it loaded up to 83% and then stopped. Very frustrating. 29+m size may be too big to email ? if not would appeciate to mail to me at drw0207@hotmail.com. OR put it to blisswind site. OR suggest a dedicated downloader for my trying again.thks.
Dear Anonymous,
I m sorry but unable to assist you.
29MB size would be too big for email and for Blisswind. That is why it is in Rapidshare.
Do try to ensure when you switch, it is a fast connection, else it may break. Also, you might want to get someone to optimise your router/modem to ensure maximum download speed or something. Sorry, I m not too IT savvy. Mine was optimised by a friend.
Ok, maxforce, I finally got it loaded when one of the links gave me 50+ Kb.sec speed through a single connection. U really have to try and try again, Thanks Maxforece for sharing and looking forwards to more e-books on trading.
Thought you have forgetten to give me credit for the "Exits & Entries" ebook. Lucky thing that you remembered .... otherwise another Bak Kut Teh on you ;-)
You can look forward to more ebooks from me.
Hahahaha nice to see you here Mr Csong. Truly an honour ;)
Call you in a while.
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