Sun Tzu said,
“Warfare is a great matter to a nation; it is the ground of death and of life; it is the way of survival and of destruction, and must be examined thoroughly”
In which Maxforce interprets,
“Investment/Trading is a great matter to our financial wealth; it is the ground of financial ruin and of financial success; it is the way of unlimited riches and of bankruptcy declaration, and must be examined thoroughly.
Sun Tzu continued later,
”Therefore, those skilled in warfare establish positions that make them invincible and do not miss opportunities to attack the enemy.
Therefore, a victorious army first obtains conditions for victory, then seeks to do battle.
A defeated army first seeks to do battle, then obtains conditions for victory”
in which Maxforce again interprets,
“Therefore, those skilled in investment/trading establish positions that minimize their risks and do not miss the opportunity to maximize their gains.
Therefore, a victorious investor/trader first place as many factor in their favor, then enters the trade.
A defeated gambler first seeks to make entry, then looks for conditions in their favor."
There can be no sufficient emphasis on to have a trading plan. Before one enters the trade, it is best to have a trading plan. This is not unlike warfare, before one gives battle, an attack or defense plan is drawn. Before a football game is played, the manager of the club would have communicated the formation, the game plan for the day.
In addition, Warren Buffett, also once mentioned, “To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework”
Buffett basically had summed it all up.
However, all in all, a trading plan is only as good as a plan, if it is not being carried out.
Plan your trade, trade your plan.
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