I won first prize, not lottery, not 4D, but tag by Zewt
So basically this is what I needed to do:
Tell 5 jokes
Read this joke 5 times: :P
How Market Works.
How do you know the market will be bullish or bearish or even sideways? Have you make your own analysis or you are relying with other people research especially newsletter, investment analyst report and also newspaper which are read by thousands?
It was autumn. The Red Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be severe or mild.
Since he was a Red Indian Chief in a modern society, he had never been taught old secrets; when he looked at the sky, he couldn’t tell how the weather was going to be. Nevertheless, to be safe, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be bad and that the everybody should collect wood and be prepared.
Being a practical leader, he had an idea after a few days. He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked “Is the coming winter going to be bad?” “It looks like this winter is going to be terrible,” the meteorologist at the weather service responded.
So the Chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more wood in order to be prepared. A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. “Is it going to be a cold winter?” “Yes,” the man at National Weather Service again replied, “It definitely will be very severe.”
The Chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of wood they could find. Two weeks later, he called the National Weather Service again. “Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?” “Absolutely,” the man replied. “It’s going to be one of the coldest winters ever.”
“How can you be so sure?” the Chief asked.
The weatherman replied, “The Red Indians are collecting wood like crazy”

Four Fellas I admire in Investment/Trading World (yeah I changed it :P)
1. Jesse Livermore, World's Greatest Trader
2. Warren Buffett, World's Greatest Investor
3. Steve Nison, who made Candlestick popular
4. Dr Alexander Elder, who teaches good foundation to trading.

Three Animals that resembles me
1. Bull, sometimes, I ride it.
2. Bear, sometimes, I raid with it.
3. Dragon, sometimes, I trade with Dragon Formation.
A-Z Tag
Supposed to be what A-Z means to me or something.

A revisit to the Kindergarten, I guess :P. Anyway, here goes:
A is for Accumulation
B is for Bollinger Bands
C is for Chaikin Money Flow
D is for Distribution
E is for Equilibirium
F is for Force Index
G is for Guppy Moving Average
H is for Hedging
I is for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
J is for Jesse Livermore
K is for KLSE
L is for Linear Regression
M is for Money Flow Index
N is for Net Realisable Asset Value
O is for On Balance Volume
P is for Parabolic SAR
Q is for Quantum
R is for Relative Strength Index
S is for Stochastics
T is for Trend
U is for Ultimate Oscillator
V is for Volatility
W is for Warren Buffett
X is for X - unknown factor :P
Y is for Yield
Z is for Zero Based Budgeting
Now tag is passed on to - whoever that reads this and has a blog. Go!
thanks bro.
I like the joke.. Indeed, a lot of us are depending on people to give us the informations, rather than doing our own homework. I believe a lot of people are investing based on rumours. See how the rumours we spread can come back to us thru a circle. Good one Max!
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