This was initially posted in Bizfun - written by myself. But I figured to immortalize it here :)

I began play the stock market like most others - gamble via tips and news. Things didn't work out too well there. Burnt.

I began to invest then via Fundamental Analysis. Being an accountant, I have an advantage in FA - the ability to decipher numbers. I also immensed myself into the books and wisdom of the likes of Al Reis. Operations, logistics, and other parts of the organisation, I did not forget. I began to see how an organisation would succeed and fail. But things were not rosy. I began to feel dissatisfied with the long wait.

I started to learn TA. The first site I went was Read a few articles and have a go at Indicators. Played around with Metastock and test the indicators. Found that each counter has its own personality. Certain counters fit certain indicators well. Results were not satisfying - with stringent rules - signals were rarely generated. As each stock uses different indicator to signal, I resort to manually analyse 50-100 charts a day. I began to lose sleep and energy.
Then I began to assimilate the indicators into a single set of indicators - a template to be used for all charts. I also began to test exploration.Results were encouraging but something was missing.
I learned Patterns. Results were also encouraging but this was not the answer I was looking for. I, then, look to Elliott Wave to show me the light. Even in an uptrend, I could still make money from shorting the FKLI. I was pleased. Later, there was a fierce discussion with Mr Theng. He argues that EW may not be necessary to achieve the same result.
I look to the Candles for an answer. I ve always known the Candles but never placed it at such high importance. A thorough study was undertaken and I began to appreciate the value of the Candles. Results were never better before. Yet something was missing.
This baffled me for a long time without an answer. I know Candles, Patterns, Indicators, Elliott Wave. So what could be missing?

The categorisation was wrong. They were tools.
As Mr Theng said, All things come back to nature.
And the same time, Mr Ben of commented that I look at indicators too much that I have forgotten the real action.
I pondered and pondered on these comments.
Price and volume - Mr Ben said.
Everything comes back to nature - Mr Theng said.
Then I thought they meant - Every method comes back to the same result.
Then I realised what they were trying to tell me is not new.
My problem was - Every indicator comes from Price and Volume.
Every method comes from Price and Volume.
I look to Richard Arms but couldn't find him.
Thanks to Mr Csong, I found Richard Arms.
Spending time with charts till 3 am the previous night convince me that there will be a correction.
Correction did happenned.Despite me not able to capitalise it this time, I am happy that I have learned.(If anyone was wondering, I was in a meeting.)
And thanks to chan9 for translating Mr Theng's message.
I finally got it.
Everything comes back to Nature.
Ren fa di, di fa tien, tien fa zhi ran
Wah! you really have read and learned a lot.
With so much knowledge, you must now learn wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge, they are different. Figure that out and you will be a better investor or trader.
Wish you success.
Thats the problem Ben, I know the meaning of knowledge and I know how to acquire knowledge.
Wisdom? I may know the meaning but do not know wisdom.
I wish you would just tell me what is wisdom and tell me how to acquire them - kind of like spoonfeed me. But then, that isn't the way a wise one would do right?
Haha, wish me luck in my quest to look for wisdom.
Hmm, how about a hint instead? Hahaha (One of my strong points - preserverance) :P
Wisdom is the right use of knowledge; wisdom will come with experience.
max and ben, hope you 2 will continue to blog for a long time. take care and stay healthy!
Any chance of accelerating the process? Hehehe
Thanks for the support.
Don't worry, our friend Ben here is a Tai-chi master.
As for me, well, I ll survive, no worries.
i think our Tai-chi master will say...
my dear Max, there is no short cut to life, everybody has to go through it. it's all about Destiny and Yes, you will survive, no worries :).
sorry Ben, for trying to be you. i'm not even close to be you coz you are way... ahead. love your blog too. cheers.
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