I don't have a million ringgit. I have yet to trade to a million.
However, there have been requests for tips.
And since, I am a service orientated fellow, I shall conduct a poll.
Whoever you are, whether you have posted before or not, please vote.
Please post YES or NO. A simple YES or NO, would suffice.
Do you want tips from me?
Every vote counts.
Let your voice be heard.
Let the voting begin!

P/S: I'll be checking IPs. Only one vote per person. Thank you.
yes! want!
u should post here...
and should the news spread like a epidemic or pandemic (which we could model using a exponential pandemic model to measure it, as mentioned by Shiller), the stock price will jump like hell...
according to my understanding, best is u give tips on small cap below 0.50, which has little float share... because this is the virus that is effective and spread fastest in Malaysia...
anyway, just idea for u...
i am not involve ya....
No... But would really want to have postings on stocks chose based on ta, why is it chosen... or why not... Thanks...
So thats 50-50 :P
Anyway, RL, could you clarify what do you mean postings on stocks? Historical like my previous on Tanjong?
Or say, what stock am I looking at today for tomorrow's trade and why?
Still learning TA and need to study real examples.
Yes with rationale based on TA and/or FA plus usual caveats pls :)
Yes with rationale based on TA and/or FA plus usual caveats pls :)
yup... something like tat... but would be good like you give one example or simply pick a stock and like analyse what will happen to it, go up or go down... why do you think so... the support and resistant, and when market close, if it did not happen, why? you can include stocks that you think will be going down the next day as well... thanks
When we heard a tip, the next qs we should ask is, WHY? Does it fundamentally sound? Based on historical TA? Do not believe a tip without getting sufficient reasons. If you are not sure if the reason provided is reliable, ...better think twice.
Besides, when the market crash due to unforseen reasons, none of the tips will work anyway... just my own thought :P ..There are still a lot of things I need to learn before able to justify a tip.
I ll count that as a 5 yes - 100%
Stock pick tips with reasons based on TA and FA.
Keep the votes coming!
yes, please
Yes, most importantly is the elaboration of the TA/FA reasoning behind the tips ;). Don't worry we won't hold you at gunpoint if tips don't work out haha.. just want to learn how to judge a stock with TA/FA.
In fact I wouldn't mind you posting tips on which stock we SHOULDN'T buy based on TA/FA reasoning too. Again, highlight on the reasoning ^^.
yes please Firefly..awesome place you got here, really awesome!
yes please FireFly...awesome place you got here...really awesome!
sorry...finger trouble. :)
Max, think careful tips per se. occasional writeup on analysis or good gut feels much better. just my feelings, could be courting unpleasenties.
COunted 8 yes, 1 need elaboration.
What cannot buy is impossible to post. I am only one man. Two hands, one brain. Too many counters in KLSE. No time :P
Good point on the unpleasantness.
I ll need a superb disclaimer writing. Maybe put on top, below, side, everywhere. Hahaha
But I am having problem with definition of tips. Recommendations, stock picks, analysis - if based on say today's charts for tomorrow's action sounds like a tip to me.
Or course, stock pick, analysis, recommendations sounds better.
And yes, ICapital and TheStar gives tips.
Need your clarification.
yes, but of more value would be your analysis, like you usually do with some fa and ta thrown in. of course, maybe more "work" for you! damn nice blog, max!
Yes. tips are welcome.
Just like booffett said small cap below 0.50 tips, higher percentage gain.
Not quite sure what you mean by tips but I would like to know what you are buying and why. No point telling me about stuff you are not putting your money in... :)
I like tips. Yes.
- 'lau hong' tip - don't listen
- good buy turn 'goodbye' tip -sorry
- tak untung tip - don't want
- 'hit n run ' tip - intra day gain - best , most welcome
- base on TA/FA , chose higher percentage can gain counter n do classify to buy T+3 (short term), buy n keep b4 news out ( short n medium term) or buy and invest for long term.
Another type of tips, if u sense the market is bullish, inform us, i think this also can consider as tips, hope i'm right,
Anyway, I prefer to buy base on TA and PA.
Yes, I'm an investor and sometime hit n run trader.
Counted 12 YES, still 1 awaiting clarification from linghee.
I m really confused with the term tips. So yes, I think what I buy or what I am considering a buy would be considered as a tip.
What I bought, would be a case study.
Good one, real funny tips definition and classifications! Haha
Yes Max, would like to hear your stock picks!!
I've been an ardent reader of your blog & also your market analysis at tradesignum.com. I really enjoy reading it since it's full of logical TA explanations. Certainly, I look forward to your tips, but me being a logical thinker needs a rational reason for any recommendation made. You could start off justifying a reason to buy based on TA & supported by FA. This way I feel there is a fundamental basis to support any technical recommendation.
Counted 14+2=16 for a YES.
2 because, its via email to me.
1 vote still awaiting clarification from linghee
Yes! Yes! 2 votes :-)
yes yes pls..
i find tat ur blog very infomative especially for newbie like me..!
Why you get two votes? :P
Earlier was because 2 person emailed me their votes instead.
Thanks for the support on the blog. Glad you find it informative :)
Counted 18 YES vote.
1 vote still awaiting clarification from linghee
TIPS r gud. I vote "YES"
Yes, yes, yes, I want FOC tips too, must be 'chun chun' to make millions of $$$. :)
Max - Good work so far!
yr blog is becoming my "daily Bread" now :)and my friends too after introduced it to them..Bravo Max!
Tips? who can resist :)
But would think you shd add
* The commends above do not represent a recommendation to buy or to sell * after yr tips
YES... with TA/FA background to learn. Cheers
Counted 22 YES vote.
1 vote still awaiting clarification from linghee
Make millions? I think you missed out the line where I said I dont have even a million :P
Thanks for the support and the recommendations :)
Maybe I ll write, The comments above are to be the trade of the author. However, based on price volume movement, he may decide to abandon the trade last minute. But he would seriously not have the time to inform that he did not make the trade. So buy at your own risk! HAHAHA!!!!
hey max, how are you doing? sorry for being a stranger lately, as you know, plenty to do during my mom's passing.
cheers and thanks for your words of encouragement.
Be strong and take care.
Real friends need not constant contact. :)
Sorry couldn't do much for you though. Take care.
Hi Max,
No tips here.
I bet to trust myself than anyone else. Instead of tips, list out the reasons why one is holding a particular stock for discussion is better than just .." Hooray comrades, lets go for a CHASE nowwwwwwww..!" kind of statements.
Well said.
Counted 23 YES vote.
1 vote still awaiting clarification from linghee.
The way I see it, reasons why one is holding a stock is equivalent to tips. :P
Yes please :)
yes, please.
Yes,looking forward for good tips
I'd like to get more idea about buying from TA perspective other than my own FA analysis.
yes i want... max!! i want!!! hahahaha
Counted 28 Yes. One reservations.
One more day to go.
Of course YES, Max, phleeze...
Hi Max,
Sure! Why not :-) Since this is purely voluntary on your part, just some additional comments for your consideration.
1. There's a wide variety of readers here, ranging from intra-day traders, to long-term Buy & Hold investors. It would be good if you could indicate the approximate expected time-frame to realization(e.g. is this something I should consider selling after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 Quarter, 1 Year? after buying).
2. If you can, tell us whether you have personally gone into that position or not, and at what price. To me, this will add a lot of credibility to your recommendation :-)
Many thanks in advance! Look forward to seeing your recommendation.
YES Max.
Nice blog you have here..
Keep it up
Added one more vote from AMCH - from chatbox.
Poll is now closed.
Thank you for participating.
Total votes: 34
Total yes vote: 33
Total no votes: 0
Total reservations: 1
Though the number of yes votes outweighs the no vote, the total votes is disappointing. According to my stats counter, this blog has a total average of 150 readers per day. Hence we re looking at roughly 120 absentee votes.
However, I d probably give it a go.
Once again, thank you for your votes and your participation.
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